Photo by Tamara Herrick
Photo by Tamara Herrick
Integrative Medicine, Wellness & Anti-Aging

60 is the new 30
Annual Physical Exams
Integrative Treatments
Lifestyle and Nutrition Recommendations
Anti-Aging Programs
Comprehensive Lab Testing
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement – BHRT

Pain Relief with
Physical Therapy and Activator Chiropractic
Medical Aesthetics for the Face

Achieve a natural, more youthful look, utilizing the best skin care technologies available.
Allergy Medicine
Progressively train your body to boost its immune system and overcome allergies.

Photo by Tamara Herrick

Integrative Medicine
Each of our practitioners has made the choice to practice in ways that are fulfilling to both patient and practitioner. This means we take the time with our patient care visits, rather than running a 'medical mill.' At the end of the day, we go home satisfied with the care we've given, knowing we've made a real difference improving our patients' lives.

Tired of being in pain?
Wish you could move freely again?
Feeling out of alignment?
Balance starting to go and afraid of falling?
We can help you with these issues and many more.
Physical Therapy:
Eric Haggard, PT
Mary DeRose, DC

Linda Haggard, MPAS, PA-C, ABAAHP
Integrative Medicine
Photo by Tamara Herrick

Eric Haggard, PT
Physical Therapy
Photo by Tamara Herrick

Mary DeRose, DC
Chiropractic Therapy

Gary Goodman, MD
Allery & Immunology